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The Hunger
The Epic Fundraiser Turns 10
By Michelle McChristie
F or the past 10 years,
Definitely Superior Art
Gallery has hosted the
most elaborate and extensive
Halloween party in our city.
With multiple venues, live
music that spans every genre,
performance art, costume con-
tests, and décor that transforms
familiar venues into enchanted
dens or haunted taverns, The
Hunger is more than a concert
or a party—it is a surreal and
spectacular cabaret.
Sitting in their compact
and cluttered office space, the
team from DefSup—David
Karasiewicz, Renee Terpstra, and
Lora Northway—explain how
The Hunger evolved from the
gallery’s early efforts to increase
their community outreach. In
the late 1990s, a new board of
directors wanted to hold more
events outside of the gallery. The
inaugural event, called the Diva’s
Cabaret, was held in 1998 and
featured multimedia and perfor-
mance art, spoken word, film, a
drag show, and live music that
varied from folk to metal.
Darren McChristie
“The idea of mixing dif-
ferent genres of music with
Dahab performing at The Foundry
6 The Walleye
The Married Singlemen
performance art and film came
out of several years of open
house events at the gallery,”
says Karasiewicz. Some musi-
cians were somewhat skeptical
that the format would work.
“The music started out softer
and progressively got heavier as
the night went on with folk to
death metal and everything in
between,” says Terpstra. “We
learned that you can’t put a solo
acoustic set on after 10 pm,”
adds Karasiewicz. At the end
of the night, over 300 people
packed The Apollo—the cabaret
was an instant success.
DefSup continued to experi-
ment with multimedia, multi-
faceted cabaret events and host-
ed 35 between 1998 and 2005.
They added an important new
dimension to the gallery’s pro-
gramming and provided an op-
portunity for greater community
engagement with a wide range
of artists and musicians. “We
always had a theme and some
kind of audience participation,”
says Karasiewicz. “Like the sock
puppet cabaret…some themes
got dark, some were light...some
were insane.” Through trial and
error, organizers got to know